Hos Shortcut dækker vores ekspertise et bredt udvalg af mobile løsninger. Uanset om det er bankapps, Bluetooth-integration eller media-apps, så har vi dig dækket. Her er nogle Featured områder, som vi i øjeblikket fokuserer på.
Shortcut er specialiseret i at skabe sundhedsapps for vores kunder. Udnyt vores ekspertise til at udvikle apps, der omdanner sundhedsdata til konkrete indsigter for både patienter og professionelle i sundhedssektoren. Fra CE-mærkning til design og udvikling, fra forebyggelse til behandling - vi har dig dækket.
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Shortcut er specialiseret i at skabe medieapps for vores kunder. Vi samarbejder med en række store danske mediehuse fra JP/POL over Radio4 til DR. Om det er bedre læse-, lytte- eller streamingoplevelser, så har vi erfaringen. Vi kombinerer viden fra medie-sektoren med viden om app-design og iOS og Android til at skabe den bedste brugeroplevelse.
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Over time, we’ve developed a diverse array of loyalty apps, each tailored to meet unique engagement goals. Mobile apps have proven to be powerful platforms for loyalty programs. Users prefer app-based loyalty programs over traditional physical member- and loyalty cards, offering easy access to all the perks without having to carry around “yet another card”. Furthermore, apps allow for engaging features such as games, visually appealing point systems, personalized offers, and feedback via push messages, among other features that keep users coming back.
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Smarter cars and connected technology like Apple CarPlay, Android Auto, and Android Automotive are transforming the driving experience. At Shortcut, we design and develop seamless in-car app experiences, from enhancing existing apps for CarPlay and Android Auto to crafting fully integrated Android Automotive systems.
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In today’s crowded app marketplaces, even the best apps can go unnoticed. That’s where App Store Optimization (ASO) comes in. Think of it as the SEO of the app world — the key to making your app discoverable to the right users at the right time. At Shortcut, we bring our expertise in ASO to help your app stand out, attract downloads, and drive meaningful engagement.
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At Shortcut, we emphasize the importance of maintaining apps through regular updates, bug fixes, and performance enhancements. We have developed a product and system for maintenance called AppCare. AppCare guarantees your app remains reliable, secure, and user-friendly, helping you build trust and retain users.
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